Kyrie: Mass of St. Timothy
Sheet Gloria: Mass of Christ the Savior
Responsorial Psalm: Respond and Acclaim
Sequence: Laud, O Zion (Randall DeBruyn)
Sheet Gospel Acclamation: Respond and Acclaim
Presentation of the Gifts: Song of the Body of Christ
522 Gift of Finest Wheat
Mass of Christ the Savior Holy #
184 When We Eat This Bread
186 Amen
188 Lamb of God
Communion: Our Blessing Cup
535 The Supper of the Lord
527 One Bread, One Body
***5pm Saturday Mass***
Sending Forth: Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo/We are the Body of Christ
***Only at 10:30am Sunday Mass***
Procession: Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo/We are the Body of Christ
Blessed Sacrament: Pange, Lingua (Tantum Ergo) Chant
#24(pg. 57)/438/
272 Sending Forth: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name