Second Sunday of Advent
December 5/6, 2015
5:00 pm/10:30 am
Entrance: O Come O Come Emmanuel (v. 3&4) #38/210
Kyrie: Mass of Christ the Savior #914/795/181
Responsorial Psalm: Respond and Acclaim
Gospel Acclamation: Respond and Acclaim
Presentation of the Gifts: God, Beyond All Names #422/208/415
Mass of Christ the Savior
Holy #918/798/184
When We Eat This Bread #920/800/186
Amen #922/802/188
Lamb of God #923/803/189
Communion: Christ, Be Our Light #601/118/428
Taste and See #341/533/539
Sending Forth: Sing Out, Earth and Skies (Haugen) #555/508/414