Cornerstone Catholic Mom's Group
We seek to deepen our Catholic faith and build friendships in a supportive village of women as we live out our vocations as spouses and parents. We meet every Thursday morning at 9:30 in the large hall at St. Michael's to have some coffee, pray, discuss the faith, and socialize. Contact Kerry Lynch: or 360-508-0296
Discipleship Groups
Small groups meet on their own for friendship and spiritual growth.
Deacon Gene Vanderzanden:
Angela and Nick Graan:
Fidelis is a parish program for girls in 6th-12th grade. Fidelis uses movie clips, activities, and games to teach virtue, all in the context of mentorship and sisterhood. Fidelis draws girls into the heart of the Church by connecting discussions on virtue to the Sunday Mass readings. These lessons come to life during weekly Tuesday evening meetings, seasonal outings, and an annual Inspire trip where chapters from around the country gather. Visit or contact Heidi Pike at 425-293-4965 for more information.
Intercessory Prayer Group
We support the parish through prayer. We are a group of about 20 who keep parishioner's intentions in prayer for the month. We welcome new people who would like to pray for our parish and parishioners. We meet only about once a year. Please contact
Men’s Ministry
Join other men from St. Michael and the broader Snohomish Christian community as we gather to pray, learn more about our faith, and continue the conversation in small group discussions. We are all on a journey to Jesus, and no one is on that journey alone! Come be a part of our community of men supporting and encouraging one another as we grow in holiness and better live out God's will in our lives.
Prayer Chain
Sign up on Flocknote to submit prayer intentions and also to pray for others.
To sign up, copy and paste the link below into your browser:
Prayer Shawl Ministry
We prayerfully knit or crochet prayer shawls; have them blessed and distribute them to people in need of extra comfort and prayer - sickness, loss of a loved one, depression, etc. Wrap the shawl around you in prayer and feel God's comfort and love.
If you're interested in joining this ministry or need a prayer shawl, please contact Patty Wunsch at 970-227-1618.
Rosary Ministry
Every Wednesday before the 6:00 Mass, we recite the rosary. Please join us.